
We have a vast wealth of experience automating manual processes to both save time and reduce costs. One of the most common issues we see is duplicate data entry - a result of multiple systems being used within the same company. We are able to provide an optimal solution by integrating and interfacing between these systems, for example:

  • Ticketing Systems (e.g. AudienceView, DigiTickets, Future Ticketing).
  • Events Systems (e.g. Momentus [formerly Ungerboeck/EBMS], EventsPro).
  • Finance Systems (e.g. SUN, Sage, Great Planes, Xero).
  • E-mail Marketing Tools (e.g. dotMailer, Silverpop, Campaign Monitor).
  • Electronic Signature Systems (Adobe EchoSign).
  • Google Analytics.
  • Clover.
  • Bespoke Websites.
  • And many more!